Shandong Heze denied 20 people died because of hand- foot - mouth disease

Shandong Heze denied 20 people died because of hand, foot and mouth disease
Yesterday, Heze City, Shandong Province, according to hospital for infectious diseases in children with family members confirmed that the hospital from February 19 to 22 days, at least four children with suspected HFMD death in their eyes.
According to one parent Caoxian confirmed February 8, the countyZhangdian village four years and one month died of Zhangyihe suspected HFMD In addition, even LiangCun a 3-year-old girl suspected of hand-foot-mouth disease killed, buried March 11 Patient family members: 4 people dead four days Heze Municipal Hospital for Infectious Diseases for hand, foot and mouth fixed infants admitted to hospital patients March 20, according to the second floor of the children with their families reflected at 9:00 on March 19, the night of 8 pm, the second floor of the 13 wards and the first 40-bed ward on the 2nd bed, two children in their immediate death. It was also reflected in the families of patients, the same day March 22, two children died Are one of a seven month-old boy, at the second floor to rescue the rescue interior of death less than 30 minutes In addition, a child living in the upstairs, on the morning of the death.
At 10:30, Heze City reporter to vice president of infectious diseases hospital Zhao said: "We did not hand, foot and mouth hospital deaths, but there is a case of child deaths, is currently being to do PCR, so that whether it is confirmed Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. " March 21, reporters at the hospital building to see two to five are admitted to the suspected "hand, foot and mouth" ill infants. Families, and they are mostly pre-kids are in hand, foot, mouth, buttocks rash, not to reclaim accompanied by symptoms such as fever, severe cases, vomiting, coma symptoms.
Day late at the clinic on the fourth floor of the hospital, the floor of the medical records of children on the table, the reporter found in these records, "Diagnosis" column reads: "Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease." These children come from various counties in Heze City, one of the largest 7-year-old and the youngest is less than one year old. One of the longest length of stay there is half a month. Most recently from the following counties are designated referral hospital overnight.
